Business Engagement


How Can My Business Get Involved?


Take A Tour of Our building!

Sign up for a tour or contact our Development Director at

Make a One-time Donation

Donate to The Pantry. Be sure to include your business name!

Become a Give Every Month Donor (GEM)

Commitment to a monthly gift defrays our recurring expenses and helps us to budget efficiently.

Sponsor an Annual Pantry Special Event

We love our sponsors! See our special events that your business can sponsor.

Sponsor a Shelf in The Pantry

Commit to defray the monthly cost of a client good and we’ll put your business name on its shelf in the client shopping area! Minimum commitment $500 per month or $6,000 per year. Contact our Development Director at

Design Your Own Business Event to Benefit The Pantry

Want to hold an event at your place of business? Perhaps you have a retail outlet and want to designate proceeds on a day or week to benefit The Pantry. Perhaps you make a craft and want to create something to sell on The Pantry’s behalf (e.g. baked goods, ornaments, jewelry). We can help you do that! Contact our Development Director at

Hold a Food and Fund Drive at Your Place of Business

Run an employee contest to see who can raise the most funds or collect the most goods, and award prizes! Hold an employee fund drive and match the total raised. Select the button below for all the information you need. Be sure to register your drive so we prepare for you to drop off the goods you collect!

Matching Employee Donations

Offer a matching program for individual employee donations through your payroll program.

Give Employees Paid Time Off To Encourage Volunteering

Individuals can sign up here. For group volunteer opportunities, contact Anne McGillis, Operations Director at