Legacy Gifts
One simple way to leave a legacy gift to The Pantry is to ask your family members to make memorial contributions in your memory. Your funeral home will provide this information to the public and include it in your obituary. You do not need to contact The Pantry prior to doing this.
Here is an example of memorial gift language for your obituary:
The family of [name] requests memorial donations to the Franklin Food Pantry in lieu of flowers.
A gift you make through your last will and testament is a bequest. Making a bequest can be as simple as transferring a specific dollar amount, specific investments, a percentage of your estate after other bequests and expenses, or a specific piece of property to The Pantry. Please inform us if you have made a bequest to The Pantry in your will by calling and speaking to our Director of Development. There are some forms of property that The Pantry will not be able to accept unless they are liquidated first. Here are examples of simple bequests:
I, [name], bequeath the sum of $25,000 to The Franklin Food Pantry, Inc.
I, [name], bequeath 10% of the value of my estate to The Franklin Food Pantry, Inc.
For more complex bequests, please consult your estate planning professional, attorney, and/or accountant.
Be sure that your loved ones are aware of your legacy wishes.
If you would like to discuss your legacy gift plans with The Pantry, please contact our Director of Development.